Warning: When granting Editor access to files in My Drive, you automatically allow individuals the opportunity to change the sharing settings of your document and share it with anyone they desire.

Once shared, you can view these individuals under the Guests tab which appears. Tip: Within shared drives, you can review who you’ve shared a file with outside your shared drive membership.

Important: Only individuals who own U-M content should be in full control of who can access it. This document provides best practices for sharing files and folders in Google Drive. It is your responsibility to appropriately share data with only those who should have access to it. This is especially true when collaborating with people outside of U-M. ITS recommends using caution when you choose permissions for your files and folders in U-M Google Drive to ensure the privacy and security of university data. When you share from Google Drive, you can control whether people can edit, comment on, or view your file.